How to treat varicose veins on legs at home

Varicose veins is a very dangerous and uncomfortable disease, which can lead to serious consequences, up to loss of ability to move. For pathology can occur due to many reasons. It is important that you know how to treat varicose veins on the legs, and what preventive measures that should be taken into account. For this disease.

how to treat varicose veins on the legs

What are varicose veins?

This pathology is not uncommon. It is characteristic that the blood vessels lose their tone, and began to painfully expand. A vessel for transformation, a change of length. You notice the disease, despite the fact that in several stages of development. The fact that on the skin you can see the vascular veins or bulging veins (the latter the degree of pathology).

It should be noted, that the disease most commonly affects the lower limbs. So we'll talk about how to treat varicose veins on the legs. It is desirable to prevent the manifestation of disease in General, however, all the time, it was a genetic predisposition from which nothing can be done.

The causes of the disease

Among the factors that contribute to the development of the disease, are such:

  • excessive or insufficient load on feet;
  • problems with the blood and blood vessels;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • heredity;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • inflammatory diseases of blood vessels and internal organs;
  • obesity and improper diet;
  • bad habits: lack of exercise, Smoking, alcohol;
  • pregnancy.

Before you learn how to treat varicose veins on the legs, you need to understand the type of pathology with the vessels, which are damaged.

What is a disease?

Of course, she can't stay invisible. If you have varicose veins on the legs, symptoms can tell you a lot. Among them are:

  • pain in the legs, a feeling of pain and fullness, fatigue;
  • swelling on the lower part of the Shin and leg;
  • possible vascular mesh on the legs;
  • cramps, which often occur at night;
  • the enlarged veins with knots, which protrudes above the surface of the leg;
  • sores;
  • numbness;
  • with the hardening and pigmentation of the skin.

If you have varicose veins on the legs, the symptoms will manifest themselves very clearly. However, to make the diagnosis of the doctor is necessary.

how to treat varicose veins in legs symptoms

Symptoms of varicose veins deep veins

Large vessels are affected in the least. So, at this point, the disease becomes more complicated. If you have varicose veins on the legs, the symptoms of injury to the deep vessels, which are as follows:

  • resistant edema of lower extremities, while the veins may be also light is not appear;
  • pain and shooting pain throughout the leg;
  • the increase of temperature to 37 degrees, which can be held for extended periods of time;
  • blueness of the skin in the affected areas;
  • manifestation of of deformed vessels, redness of the formation of the nodes.

Features for pathology

There are various ways to fix the problem: conventional and unconventional. The first appointment of the injections, oral medications and ointments. Mostly these medicines are manufactured on the basis of the extract of horse chestnut. If you have installed the varicose veins on legs how to treat it, tell the doctor. As for the medicines, which are mainly used are those that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the tone and constrict them cause blood thinning.

Very popular now are special injections which affected vessels simply siccavit. If you have varicose veins on the legs, how to treat the resulting wounds, also tell the doctor. This is mostly used in medicinal ointments with antibacterial.

If conservative treatment does not help, then resort to drastic measures. That is, it is surgery, complete or partial removal of the affected vessel. Sometimes the patients veins need to be changed for an artificial one. Of course, any activity that requires a long recovery period.

According to the new technology, we can resolve the problem with the laser. Of course, this operation is costly, but recovery is fast enough.

Physical therapy for help

If you do not know how to treat varicose veins on the legs, imagine that a doctor must prescribe complex treatment, which includes a great number of procedures. Of course, without physical therapy is not enough.

Here first is the therapeutic exercises that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It should be noted that the load should be minimal, but effective. In addition, you can be assigned magnetotherapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis.

The doctor can tell you how to treat varicose veins on the legs by compression. That is, you have to back into the body with an elastic bandage or wear special elastic socks. Of course, you do not need to wear them constantly, but they are effective.

Folk treatment of the disease

If you think you have varicose veins on the legs, symptoms and treatment of this disease has become an important topic for reflection. Of course, everyone strives to not rely on it once doctors. This, however, is wrong. National treatment is not the solution, but can significantly accelerate recovery when used in combination with medications.

There are a lot of tools that have already been tested in humans. However, the most effective you can consider are:

  1. Grated potatoes or Apple cider vinegar. For the treatment enough just one day to RUB their feet this tool. After a week or two, you will feel relief. However, the use of these methods, it is necessary in the early stages of the disease.
  2. Alcohol tinctures horse chestnut. This tool for many years, used both traditional and alternative medicine. For its preparation you will need 50 g of flowers and 1 litre of vodka. For insist, you must leave the mixture on for two weeks in a cool and dark place. In this case, note that the infusion require daily jog. To drink means that there are 2 large tablespoons before meals for 7 days. Next, you'll need to bring a week of break. The course is repeated at least 3 times.
  3. In the soup onions. For cooking you will need a glass of crushed shells, 2 small tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 100 ml olive oil. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and left in dark place for 2 weeks. To use it like this: every day, do the bath for 25 minutes. The mixture must be heated.
  4. The green tomatoes. They should be applied in the case of Vienna is very wide and bulged. Tomatoes should be used as a compress on the night on the affected areas and the back of the bandage. Note that this method of treatment will be long. However, the method is effective.
how to treat varicose veins on legs methods

So, if you have varicose veins on legs treatment at home can help you to get rid of the pathology of the faster.

What should be on a diet?

In order to treat effectively, you must adjust your diet. Try to eat those foods that are rich in vitamins E and A. because of this, you will be able to remove the pain and muscle cramping.

Try drinking more vegetable juice and water. To completely eliminate from the diet alcoholic beverages, sweet and savoury food. Limit intake of soda, coffee and tea. It is better to eat fruit and vegetables. This is useful if you want to eat spinach and carrots. Very useful are nuts. Twice a week, try to make the fasting days. Eat blueberries, figs, sea buckthorn. These fruits help to cleanse the blood.

For the treatment of diseases, prepare herbal teas and nettle soup, especially if you're not more than 30 years. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eat the sprouting wheat and rye, gooseberries, strawberries, rose hips. Eat fish, beef, crab. Salads prepared only vegetable oil. Eliminate from the diet all the fat.

Disease prevention

If you have varicose veins on feet treatment reviews that are both positive and negative, must be comprehensive. However, it is in your power to prevent the development of pathology.

Try for an active life: exercise gym, more walking, swimming and Cycling. Try to avoid heavy loads on the arch of the foot. That is, you have to forget about such sports, such as tennis, aerobics, weights. Don't wear too tight of clothing and footwear. If you like high heels, should the average height.

Try to change the static posture as often as possible. If you are overweight, then they need to be removed. Do not use medications that contain too many hormones. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, which will help the shower. During sleep, the legs should be slightly raised, so that you can improve the blood circulation.

Now you know how to treat varicose veins on the legs. Hi!